Palmetto Revenue Management Inc.

Excellence in Medical Billing and Practice Management

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Palmetto Revenue Management Inc.

We recognize your commitment to providing exceptional patient care, but when was the last time you examined the health of your business? At Palmetto Revenue Management, we specialize in medical billing and practice management, endeavoring to unlock your revenue potential. Our goal is to partner with you in enhancing the wellbeing of your patients.
Unlock Your Revenue Potential!

Our Services Include

Billing & Coding

Streamlined services to get you paid faster, reduce claim rejections, and maximize your revenue.

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Practice Management

Optimize your revenue cycle and day-to-day operations allowing your practice to run more efficiently.

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Other Services

Customized solutions for telehealth, patient retention, and overhead cost reduction.

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Free Practice Analysis

We have a proprietary analysis tool that can generate a detailed report, outlining solutions for virtually every aspect of your practice.

Isn’t it time you took a few minutes to focus on your needs? Let us help you keep your business as healthy as you keep your patients.

Our Partners

We Service the Following Specialties